3 Major Ways Fast Fashion is Crushing Our Earth

What is Fast Fashion?

Have you ever wondered how are we able to put our hands on the
trendiest clothing items, no matter which corner of the world we reside
in? That my friend would be fast fashion for you. In short, it can be
termed as the process of providing the latest fashion collections directly
to the consumer within a handful of days.

To understand this we must revisit the incident of how it all started. So
this term was first believed to be used at the beginning of the 1990s
when ZARA was featured in the New York Times for its mission to
take only 15days for a garment to go from the design stage to being sold
in stores.

Fast-forward three decades later almost every second brand if
not all, follow this practice including Shein, Urban Outfitters, Boohoo,
Forever 21, H&M, Fashion Nova, etc.

Anything trendy which is super affordable is already a huge red flag but
above it all, it doesn’t even take much time. This should raise the
question of how likely it is possible to make it happen with everybody’s safety intent?

Here, are 3 major ways how fast fashion is crushing our earth.



According to Forbes, the fashion & textiles industry is a major polluter of
water at all the stages of the value chain, starting from the agricultural
runoff from cotton fields causing algal blooms that choke aquatic life, to
the dying process where it releases a variety of toxic chemicals to the
sea and not to mention the washing of clothes and releasing

Allegedly, it takes 700 gallons to produce one cotton shirt
and 2000 gallons of water to produce a pair of jeans. Now that’s a
disturbing number.

Moreover, 80-90% of the water used is released into the sea untreated.
Not to mention, the sufferings of wild animals. Fast fashion kills wildlife
and puts endangered species at risk. The brutal process of trapping,
farming, and skinning wildlife for the sake of wool, silk, fur, leather is
downright inhumane.

More and more awareness is being spread about it but we still have a
long way to go.


Each year the fashion industry is responsible for more energy than all
international flights and maritime shipments combined. Which in return
contributes 10% of the global greenhouse gas emitted, only behind the oil
and gas industry which makes it the second-highest producer. Isn’t it

Additionally, it takes 10 times the amount of energy to produce 1 ton of
textile than the production of 1 ton of glass.

Electricity is one of the most commonly used types of energy consumed by the textile supply chain. The International Energy Agency estimates that final energy consumption in the supply chain doubled between the years 1971 and 2004. Electricity is needed to run machineries such as sewing machines and air pumps in
textile factories. Huge amounts of heat are needed for washing, drying, and
dying the cloth.



When we come across the phrase fast fashion and its threats, labor
exploitation is less likely to cross our minds as one. Increasing demand
to produce clothes inexpensively doesn’t usually cover the cost of a safe
work environment and labor wage of production leading to underpaid
workers, who work in an unsafe environment.

So, the brand has turned to countries like Bangladesh, Mexico, and
China or nations that don’t have adequate labor laws, or the laws they
do have aren’t always enforced, and government conspiracy and
corruption often limit the government’s attempts to execute the existing

They either illegally smuggle and lure people from these countries
and force them to work in these unsafe environments for lower than
minimum wage. Or they opt to hire a middle man and run a factory in
one of these countries importing raw materials and exporting finished
goods but either way, it’s the workers who end up with the short end of
the stick.

A prime example would be The Rana Plaza Incident in Dhaka, Bangladesh
which catastrophically crumbled into ruins in May 2013, killing more than
1,100 workers and injuring at least 2,000 workers. This disaster has
caught the media’s attention and heightened the awareness in
consumers but many are still under the drapes.

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So, now when you come across products that are extra affordable you can
think about the huge cost our environment has paid so that it could be

Fast Fashion is not entirely unstoppable, it’s mostly in the hands of the
consumer. A little bit of research goes a long way. Researching about the
brand before purchasing, using sustainable materials for clothing, also
thrifting can make us a little more environmentally responsible consumers.

There is also a process of relaxation on excessive production,
overcomplicated supply chains, and mindless consumption termed as ‘Slow
Fashion’. It is the reaction to ‘Fast Fashion’ which encourages
manufacturing that respects people, animals, and the environment.

We can always be a little proactive and take these tiny steps towards the green fashion industry. Maybe after that, we would be a little closer to our goal of reversing climate change and essentially ‘saving’ our planet

45 thoughts on “3 Major Ways Fast Fashion is Crushing Our Earth”

  1. Avatar

    It’s really important to understand in what cost we are moving towards modernization. It’s time to rethink and take a step towards a safer and beautiful life.

    1. Avatar

      Wonderful experience gathered while I was going through your great article. Keep it up and best of luck at all times.

  2. Avatar
    Deepika kapoor

    Great post! It’s really alarming to think about the devastating impact fast fashion has on our environment. We need to start taking action now to reduce our consumption and support sustainable and ethical fashion 👍👍👍

  3. Avatar
    Sneh Lata Sharma

    Thank you for shedding light on this important issue. It’s important to realize that our choices as consumers have a significant impact on the environment, and we need to be more mindful about the clothes we buy and how we dispose of them 👏👏

  4. Avatar

    I never really thought about the impact of fast fashion on the environment until I read your post. It’s really eye-opening and makes me want to change my shopping habits to support more sustainable and ethical fashion brands👍🤍🤍

  5. Avatar
    Ajay Choudhary

    This post is a wake-up call for all of us. The fashion industry needs to take responsibility for its impact on the environment and work towards more sustainable and ethical practices. As consumers, we can also play a role in making a difference by supporting eco-friendly fashion brands 👍👍

  6. Avatar

    I couldn’t agree more with everything you’ve said in this post. Fast fashion is not only harmful to the environment, but it also perpetuates a culture of consumerism and exploitation. We need to shift towards a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry that values people and the planet over profits 👏👏💓

  7. Avatar

    We should totally research about the brand before making a purchase and prioritize sustainable brands. Nice message conveyed

  8. Avatar

    Fantastic blog! Your insights on the dark side of fast fashion are eye-opening. Thanks for shedding light on the environmental and ethical concerns tied to our clothing choices

  9. Avatar

    Great read! Your concise breakdown of fast fashion’s negative impacts is both informative and thought-provoking. A must-read for anyone looking to make more sustainable fashion choices!

  10. Avatar

    Kudos to you for addressing the harms of fast fashion in such a clear and compelling way. Your blog is a valuable resource for those seeking to understand the consequences of their shopping habits.

  11. Avatar

    Thank you for bringing attention to the often-overlooked downsides of fast fashion. Your blog serves as a powerful reminder to reconsider our purchasing decisions and strive for a more sustainable wardrobe.

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