Today, let’s talk about why the need to write this post about Eco-friendly Diwali came into play. Diwali – also known as Deepawali is the Festival of Lights as per Hindu mythology – is celebrated because on this day Rama returned to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile after defeating Ravana. In earlier days, people used to illuminate temples, home, shops using Diyas, also make colorful rangoli, prepare sweets and perform religious rituals; these activities were nowhere harming nature until crackers came into existence.
If you ask someone, that, “What comes to your mind, when you think of Diwali?” the answer would be mostly, light and fireworks. Though crackers are noisy and polluting air, these low explosives attracts all because of its aesthetic display effects when blown and nothing else, because once blown, what remain is smoke and some burnt remaining on ground which adds to our waste.

As per sources, the use of fireworks also causes an increase in the number of burn injuries in India during Diwali. One particular firework called anar (fountain) has been found to be responsible for 65% of such injuries, with adults being the typical victims. Not only us but stray animals are also harmed during this process. Smoke from crackers contribute to air pollution, a study of air pollution in Delhi found that, the PM2.5 levels in 2015 and 2016 did rise over Diwali.
Many NGOs and Committees all over India are taking initiative to make Diwali an eco-friendly one, and with the same motive, volunteers and members of Niswarth – The Selfless, a Delhi-based registered NGO, is running a Green Diwali Campaign. This Eco-friendly Diwali campaign will not only spread awareness about the harmful effect of cracker but, also tell you how to celebrate a Green Diwali.

I am also one of the volunteers of this Eco-friendly Diwali campaign and I am going to tell you how to celebrate a Green Diwali and make it a memorable one by making a small difference in each way you used to celebrate it earlier.
- Children, donate your old books, make lantern from old news paper, care and feed stray animals, together plant a sapling (your Diwali Buddy).
- Newly married couples, make rangoli together, host guest by gifting a sapling, say no to plastic gifts.
- Elders, teach youngster about harmful effect of crackers, conduct green diwali campaign by growing plants, making earthen Diya, flower rangoli and gift wrap made from old news papers.
- Adults, conduct Green Diwali gathering, play indoor games with kids, make donations.
- Last but not the least the strays, provide them food and shelter, take them to veterinary if injured, crackers frightens them a lot, say no to crackers and loud music.
I invite you to this Green Adventure for Eco-friendly Diwali 2019 by make a difference with Niswarth – The Selfless.
Niswarth – The Selfless is also conducting My Diwali Buddy Challenge, in which you have to follow some simple steps:
- Plant a sapling (your Diwali Buddy).
- Capture pictures planting your buddy.
- Send pictures to or tag us on social media page.
- Share the progress of growth after a month.
- Use hashtag #mydiwalibuddychallenge and #niswarththeselfless | Instagram | Facebook |

We aim to grow 1000 saplings/tree by Dec 2019. Do take part in this Eco-friendly Diwali challenge; share it with your friends and family. This challenge is not only for you or me, but for our Nature. Experience the beauty and working of nature by planting and nurturing your Diwali Buddy.
These initiatives are only some ways to celebrate an eco-friendly, if you have your own way, do let us know. Nature is our home; we need to take care of it, though crackers are burnt only for 4-5 days but it affects us for months together.
Come join hand with Niswarth – The Selfless to make a difference today!
If you also want to become a volunteer like me, click here.