Gas Leaks & Explosions: A Worrisome Threat to Environment

In these gloomy times of COVID-19, the world has seen some incredible changes in nature. It isn’t far-fetched to say that the pandemic resulted in restoration of our Mother Earth. However, positive aspects aside, the lockdown resulted in a heap of major environmental issues. The year 2020 was filled with gas explosions, forest fires, melting of glaciers, tremendous cyclones, continuous tremors of earthquakes & so on. Among these, the Gas explosions seemed to be on rise on a far greater level.

Why have gas explosions increased?

Gas Explosions are majorly caused due to the ignorance of a regular check of environmental laws, leakage issues & ignition. All of these can be directly blamed on us: Humans.

During the lockdowns, most of the businesses had to be shut down which resulted in them failing to keep a check on precautionary measures causing the sudden increase of these explosions.

The outbreaks of gas explosions have been reported in Ghana, China, Iraq & even some parts of India (Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Mumbai) & so on.

How are these Gas Explosions a threat to Environment?

Gas explosions leave the earth with a great loss of human life and with major ecological effects. Gas leaks release toxic gases into the atmosphere, contributing to air pollution. Leaks can also occur in the marine environment creating a misbalance in the water ecosystem & the wetlands nearby, hence threatening Biodiversity.

Additionally, these leaks waste a source of energy – natural gas (mostly methane) which is a powerful greenhouse gas & also a significant contributor to climate change. Sometimes, the leaks can also start fire in the neighboring areas, increasing carbon emission.

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Some Drastic effects from these explosions

  • The Gas leak in Assam, Baghjan area has severely damaged the nearby wetlands of Maguri-Motapung and polluted the tributaries of the Brahmaputra River, as well as adjacent areas of the Dibru-Saikhowa National Park.
  • Baghjan explosion might have led to a big impact on threatened species unique to the region such as Black-breasted Parrotbill and Swamp Grass Babbler as this is their peak breeding season.
  • As a result of the Visakhapatnam gas leak, the state’s animal husbandry department reported the death of 34 animals. All the trees in the vicinity of the M6 tank, where the gas leak occurred, were either fully or partially dry.

We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment

– Margaret Mead

What can we do about it?

Considering these dreading effects, it’s peak time to take steps to prevent these leaks.

  • Regular mapping of leaks: Mistakes can be corrected only when they are identified. With the leaks being checked on a regular basis, they can be fixed on a faster level.
  • Strict Enforcement Environmental Laws: Some companies are taking action, but a national policy to reduce these leaks would ensure us with a better result.
  • Speak up for the Environment: We need to address these leaks in our neighboring regions & create awareness to get these repaired.

As quoted by Marlee Matlin “The Earth does not belong to us: we belong to the Earth”.

We do not have the right to destroy Nature, so the least we can do is to protect it.

We need to address these issues & take initiatives to decrease the damage.

9 thoughts on “Gas Leaks & Explosions: A Worrisome Threat to Environment”

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    Anoushka Mathur

    It’s great that the team is covering such vital issues and then providing us with practical solutions to implement. Wonderful job! 🤍🤍

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